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Fab Arab Network
Since 2017

Digital Fabrication & Networking

Our Story:

The technological revolution has changed the face of the world, and transformed the life style. Access to scientific and technological knowledge and the ability to exploit it are becoming increasingly strategic and decisive for the economic performance of countries and regions in the competitive globalized economy.

A country’s ability to solve problems and initiate and sustain economic growth depends partly on its capabilities in science, technology, and innovation. The simplest definition of innovation is the generation, development and implementation of ideas that result in new products, processes, or services. While the definition of innovation is simple, the process is complex and multi- faceted (Young Arab leaders Forum, 2007:2).

Born in the context of the growing Fab Lab movement in the arab world, We are a group of Young people across the Arab Region, interested in Digital fabrication, innovation and making a change.

Fab Arab Network:

The Fab Arab Network is an organization, made up of members of the Fab Lab movement in the Arab World ’s Special Interest Group, which seeks to build a participatory space where, through different platforms, tools and communication channels, young arab people can exchange knowledge about technology, sustainability, education and entrepreneurship. It aims to increase the impact and access to technology through Fab Labs and makerspaces in the Arab World.

Across 22 Countries, Fab Arab Network aims to fulfil the need of the arab youth in more than 50 fab labs sites to share knowledge, experience and collaborate to seize new opportunities and solve common challenge is our main drive.


The Fab Lab Arab Network has the following goals:

  • Map the current initiatives and organizations that work in the digital fabrication, education, sustainable development and entrepreneurship fields.
  • Empower the establishment of fab labs and makerspaces across the arab world.
  • Involving youth to solve common Arab world challenges.
  • Promote Effective collaborations and partnerships.
  • Empower youth education and employability.
  • Empower the development sustainability models for Fab Labs in the Arab World.
  • Enrich the Arabic digital Fabrication Content.
  • Mobilize and democratize the use of the technologies and enhance their applications across the Arab world.
  • Enhancing the region's different sectors R&D participation and economy

Meet Our Team

Loay Malahmeh

Fab Lab Irbid - Jordan


Qusai Malahmeh

Fab Lab Irbid - Jordan


Nadine Tuhaimer

Fab Lab Irbid - Jordan


May El-Dardiry

Fab Lab New Cairo - Egypt.


Wael Khalil

Berytech - Lebanon.


Omar Okasha

iHub - Egypt.


Robert Garita

Ibtechar, QBIC - Qatar.


Fathiyah Hamed

Fab Lab Libya - Libya
