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We Learn, Make, Connect and Share.

Fab Arab Network

Let's talk Fab:

Spreading the awarness about new area of technology and sustainability, "Let's talk Fab" is a series of webinars addressing emerging topics like Artificial intelligence, Buiness, Entrepreurship, 3D Printing, Sustainable development, inclusive making, Education... etc

Educational Programs:

In Fab Arab Network, We believe "Knowledge is Power". In this section, you'll find offered programs in different labs; as well as joint programs offered through our organization

Annual Events:

Connecting together is the seed of change. Join us in the Annual Conference for the Fab Arab Network . Moreover, discover all events happening near you.

Job Opportunities:

Check the different job opportunities in our field across the arab region.


Aiming to empower making and research, in this section, we share open source projects, tutorials and collaborative R&D projects across the network.

Labs Support:

In Fab Arab Network, We believe "the power of Many". In this section, you'll find offered support to help the well-being and sustainability of fab labs in the region.

Mobile Fab Labs:

Aiming to empower individual in rural areas, the arab mobile fab labs networks offers shared experience and best practices.