Spreading the awarness about new area of technology and sustainability, "Let's talk Fab" is a series of webinars addressing emerging topics like Artificial intelligence, Buiness, Entrepreurship, 3D Printing, Sustainable development, inclusive making, Education... etc
In Fab Arab Network, We believe "Knowledge is Power". In this section, you'll find offered programs in different labs; as well as joint programs offered through our organization
Connecting together is the seed of change. Join us in the Annual Conference for the Fab Arab Network . Moreover, discover all events happening near you.
Check the different job opportunities in our field across the arab region.
Aiming to empower making and research, in this section, we share open source projects, tutorials and collaborative R&D projects across the network.
In Fab Arab Network, We believe "the power of Many". In this section, you'll find offered support to help the well-being and sustainability of fab labs in the region.
Aiming to empower individual in rural areas, the arab mobile fab labs networks offers shared experience and best practices.